Ashbury Parish Consultation on Your Neighbourhood Plan

In the 2019 referendum the Parish chose to adopt our Neighbourhood Plan.  We now need your help to review and modernise the Plan to reflect changes in Local and National planning policy and emerging new priorities.

In the 2019 Plan you approved Policies in the following nine areas:

  • Design and Heritage;
  • Key Views and Vistas; Dark Night Skies;
  • Spatial Strategy;
  • Transport and Accessibility;
  • Open and Local Green Spaces;
  • Chalk Streams and Watercourses;
  • Community Facilities; and
  • Infrastructure.

Since 2019, these policies have been used by your Council to comment on all planning applications across the Parish. In the last three years, our Policies were cited 58 times in Decision Notices on 38 applications.

To ensure that we have the right range of Policies to enable us to influence development across the parish for the next six years, we now wish to consult you on how best to improve the Plan. The Council Planning Group have identified several new areas in which new Neighbourhood Pan Policies would be useful. These are :

  • Change of Use: to cover applications to convert buildings to a different use
  • Brownfield Sites: to define what areas in the Parish might qualify
  • Economic Policy: to cover the requirements of Sustainability and to combat Climate Change; also issues of Electricity Capacity and wider Connectivity

To give you views on these suggestions and on any other areas which you think the revised Neighbourhood Plan should cover, please complete the survey

The closing date for the survey is midnight on 30 June 2024.